(function ($) {
    var current_tab = null;
    function refresh(e) {
        var r = new Raphael('line-chart-here'),
            width = $('#line-chart-here').width(),
            height = $('#line-chart-here').height();
            method:     'GET',
            url:        'ajax.php/report/overview/graph',
            data:       $(this).serialize(),
            dataType:   'json',
            success:    function(json) {
                var times = [],
                    smtimes = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], json.times),
                    plots = [],
                    max = 0;

                // Convert the timestamp to number of whole days after the
                // unix epoch.
                for (key in smtimes) {
                    smtimes[key] = Math.floor(smtimes[key] / 86400);
                for (key in json.events) {
                    e = json.events[key];
                    if (json.plots[e] === undefined) continue;
                    // Keep track of max value from any plot
                    max = Math.max(max, Math.max.apply(Math, json.plots[e]));
                m = r.linechart(20, 0, width - 70, height,
                    times, plots, { 
                    gutter: 20,
                    width: 1.6,
                    nostroke: false, 
                    shade: false,
                    axis: "0 0 1 1",
                    axisxstep: 8,
                    axisystep: Math.min(12, max),
                    symbol: "circle",
                    smooth: false
                }).hoverColumn(function () {
                    this.tags = r.set();
                    var slots = [];

                    for (var i = 0, ii = this.y.length; i < ii; i++) {
                        if (this.values[i] === 0) continue;
                        if (this.symbols[i].node.style.display == "none") continue;
                        var angle = 160;
                        for (var j = 0, jj = slots.length; j < jj; j++) {
                            if (slots[j][0] == this.x
                                    && Math.abs(slots[j][1] - this.y[i]) < 20) {
                                angle = 20;
                        slots.push([this.x, this.y[i]]);
                        this.tags.push(r.tag(this.x, this.y[i],
                            this.values[i], angle,
                                { fill: '#eee' },
                                { fill: this.symbols[i].attr('fill') }]));
                }, function () {
                    this.tags && this.tags.remove();
                // Change axis labels from Unix epoch
                $('tspan', $('#line-chart-here')).each(function(e) {
                    var text = this.firstChild.textContent;
                    if (parseInt(text) > 10000)
                        this.firstChild.textContent =
                            new Date(parseInt(text) * 86400000));
                $('span.label').each(function(i, e) {
                    e = $(e);
                    e.click(function() {
                        if (e.hasClass('disabled')) {
                        } else {
                // Dear aspiring API writers, please consider making [easy]
                // things simpler than this...
                $('span.label', '#line-chart-legend').css(
                    'background-color', function(i) {
                        return Raphael.color(m.symbols[i][0].attr('fill')).hex; 
        if (this.start) build_table.apply(this);
        return false;
    $(function() { $('tabular-navigation').tab(); });

    // Add tabs for the tabular display
    $(function() {
            url:        'ajax.php/report/overview/table/groups',
            dataType:   'json',
            success:    function(json) {
                var first=true;
                for (key in json) {
                        .append($('<li>').attr(first ? {'class':'active'} : {})
                build_table.apply($('#tabular-navigation li:first-child a')[0])

    var start, stop;
    function build_table() {
        if (this.tagName == 'A') {
            current_tab = $(this).tab('show');
        else if (this.start) {
            start = this.start.value || 'last month';
            stop = this.period.value || 'now';

        if (!current_tab)
            current_tab = $('#tabular-navigation li:first-child a');

        var group = current_tab.attr('table-group');
        var pagesize = 25;
        getConfig().then(function(c) { if (c.page_size) pagesize = c.page_size; });
            method:     'GET',
            dataType:   'json',
            url:        'ajax.php/report/overview/table',
            data:       {group: group, start: start, period: stop},
            success:    function(json) {
                var q = $('<table>').attr({'class':'table table-condensed table-striped'}),
                    h = $('<tr>').appendTo($('<thead>').appendTo(q)),
                    max = [];
                for (var c in json.columns) {
                for (y in json.data) {
                    row = json.data[y];
                    for (x in row) {
                        max[x] = Math.max(max[x], parseFloat(row[x]||0));
                for (var i in json.data) {
                    if (i % pagesize === 0)
                        b = $('<tbody>').attr({'page':i/pagesize+1}).addClass('hidden').appendTo(q);
                    row = json.data[i];
                    tr = $('<tr>').appendTo(b);
                    for (var j in row) {
                        if (j == 0) 
                        else {
                            val = parseFloat(row[j])||0;
                            color = 'black';
                            size = 0;
                            if (val && max[j] && json.data.length > 1) {
                                scale = val / max[j];
                                color = Raphael.hsb(
                                    Math.min((1 - scale) * .4, 1),
                                    .75, .75);
                                size = 16 * scale;
                                    $('<div>').css(val ? {
                                        'background-color': color,
                                        'width': size,
                                        'height': size,
                                        'top': 9 - (size / 2),
                                        'right': 10 - (size / 2)
                                    } : {})
                if (json.data.length == 0) {
                            'No data for this timeframe found'))).appendTo(q);
                $('tbody[page=1]', q).removeClass('hidden');

                // ----------------------> Pagination <---------------------
                function goabs(e) {
                    $('tbody', q).addClass('hidden');
                    if (e.target) {
                        page = e.target.text;
                        $('tbody[page='+page+']', q).removeClass('hidden');
                    } else {
                        page = e.attr('page')
                    return enable_next_prev(page);
                function goprev() {
                    current = $('tbody:not(.hidden)', q).attr('page');
                    page = Math.max(1, parseInt(current) - 1);
                    return goabs($('tbody[page='+page+']', q));
                function gonext() {
                    current = $('tbody:not(.hidden)', q).attr('page');
                    page = Math.min(Math.floor(json.data.length / pagesize) + 1,
                        parseInt(current) + 1);
                    return goabs($('tbody[page='+page+']', q));
                function enable_next_prev(page) {
                    $('#table-here div.pagination li[page]').removeClass('active');
                    $('#table-here div.pagination li[page='+page+']').addClass('active');

                    if (page == 1)  $('#report-page-prev').addClass('disabled');
                    else            $('#report-page-prev').removeClass('disabled');

                    if (page == Math.floor(json.data.length / pagesize) + 1)
                    else            $('#report-page-next').removeClass('disabled');
                    return false;

                var p = $('<ul>')
                $('tbody', q).each(function() {
                    page = $(this).attr('page');

                // ------------------------> Export <-----------------------

        return false;

    $(function() {
        var form = $('#timeframe-form');
        //Trigger submit now...init.