Odoo Dynamic Dashboard======================Dynamically Arrange the dashboard to get the information that are relevant to your business, department, or a specific process or need.Installation============- www.odoo.com/documentation/15.0/setup/install.html- Install our custom addonLicense=======GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3 (AGPLv3)(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html)Bug Tracker===========Bugs are tracked on GitHub Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.Credits=======* Cybrosys Techno Solutions <https://www.cybrosys.com>Author------Developer: Irfan @ Cybrosys, Afras @CybrosysMaintainer----------This module is maintained by Cybrosys Technologies.For support and more information, please visit https://www.cybrosys.com.