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import json
import logging
import xmlrpc.client
import odoo
import odoo.modules.registry
from odoo import http
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.http import request
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import Home
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class HomeInherit(Home):
    @http.route('/web/login', type='http', auth="none")
    def web_login(self, redirect=None, **kw):
        if 'login' in kw and 'password' in kw:
            uid = self.auth_user_rpc(kw['login'],kw['password'])
            if uid != 0:
                return super(HomeInherit, self).web_login(redirect=redirect, **kw)
                return request.redirect('/web/login?error=access')
            return super(HomeInherit, self).web_login(redirect=redirect, **kw)
    def auth_user_rpc(self,username,password):
        uid = 0
        companies_url = request.env[''].sudo().search([]).filtered(lambda c: c.login_url and c.login_db)
        if companies_url:
            for c in companies_url:
                common = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(c.login_url+"/xmlrpc/2/common")
                uid = common.authenticate(c.login_db,username,password,{})   
                if uid != 0:
        return uid